
'Matthew McConaugheys dream come true

      This video includes us  Matthew McConaughey's speech as he won the Oscars back in 2014. Not only was his acting great, but his sense of humor and the way he expresses his thoughts are incredible as well. He started by involving the other nominees for their incredible work, such as Leonardo di Caprio and Christian bale, as well as thanking the director and his colleagues.  He states that there are three things that he needs daily: one is something to look up to, another is something to look forward to and lastly is someone to chase. Afterwards, McConaughey states that God is what looks up to and and says that he graced his life with amazing opportunities that were in no person's hand. In addition, he believes that because of God, gratitude reciprocates. He then quotes Charlie Laughton who said, "When you got God, you got a friend and that friend is you."       He thanked all his family members, his dad, siblings, wife and three children, and when the turn came to

Big Rocks

      Stephen Covey explains the importance of prioritizing the big rocks instead of the small pebbles. Both of them symbolize the things we have in our lives. The big rocks are the big and vital things we have in life, while the small peddles are the smaller and less important ones. At first, Elizabeth was told to add all the big rocks into the jar already filled with small pebbles. She added a few, then it started becoming more complicated and difficult to continue. She started pushing and forcing the big rock to fit in, yet there were still more to be added. Afterward, there was an empty jar and she was told to fit in the big rocks first. After she added them, she went ahead to add the small pebbles. Astonishingly, it fit in perfectly.      The purpose of this video is to encourage people to start prioritizing the crucial things in life instead of the not as important ones. It's not telling us to avoid these little things, but to acknowleadge how to not give them up while handli

Leadership At Its Finest

   How many Lollipop moments have you created? Drew Dudley starts off by describing what a lollipop moment is, which is basically a moment where someone made you feel better in a certain way. He then explains that not only have we had these lollipop moments, but we were the reason for another person's one without even noticing. It can sometimes be scary to think about yourself as someone that powerful, to change someone's life. You may think "what if it's not true what I said, what if I ruin their life?". However, this is just an excuse we make to not think of ourselves as 'leaders'. Dudley states that "As long as we make leadership something bigger than us, as long as we keep leadership something beyond us, as long as we make it about changing the world, we give ourselves an excuse not to expect it"(0:40). He then explains how people have knowledge that can benefit others but are too afraid to show it. Leadership is about making people's liv

A Single Story's Peril

Adichie believes that stories matter, nevertheless we often live our lives based on acknowledging or hearing only one story. And that we unconsciously operate from the perspective of a single story. "The danger of a single story," as Adichie puts into words in the very beginning of her Ted Talk, is that it can lead to incorrect assumptions, decisions, conclusions and misunderstandings.  Cultures all around the world are filled with fascinating stories that helped us develop a better understanding of the world. Nonetheless, we are still prone to making snap judgments about certain individuals or groups of people. This is the single storie's peril.  “The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete,” said by Adichie, clearly states that the way people tell stories affects the story itself. “If you start the story with the failure of the African state rather than the colonial creation of the Afri