Big Rocks


    Stephen Covey explains the importance of prioritizing the big rocks instead of the small pebbles. Both of them symbolize the things we have in our lives. The big rocks are the big and vital things we have in life, while the small peddles are the smaller and less important ones. At first, Elizabeth was told to add all the big rocks into the jar already filled with small pebbles. She added a few, then it started becoming more complicated and difficult to continue. She started pushing and forcing the big rock to fit in, yet there were still more to be added. Afterward, there was an empty jar and she was told to fit in the big rocks first. After she added them, she went ahead to add the small pebbles. Astonishingly, it fit in perfectly. 

    The purpose of this video is to encourage people to start prioritizing the crucial things in life instead of the not as important ones. It's not telling us to avoid these little things, but to acknowleadge how to not give them up while handling the more important ones. As shown, the big rocks should be put first in the bowl, which means people should focus more on the big things. Later on, we add the small rocks, which shows that we shouldn't neglect them, but finding a way to fit them properly without affecting the more beneficial things in life. This is what it's all about, to get the important things done first and foremost, then find time for the rest. Prioritizing the key things in life is what brings success in one's life. 

    This reminds me of what was always told to me by my elders, especially my grandmother. I used to complain to her about not having enough time to do anything. She told me there are four things in life that should always be prioritized, the rest can be done at any other time. These things are spending time with family, praying, playing sports and work. As long as these things are included in my daily routine, nothing can stop be from being the best version of myslef. By sticking to what she told me, I saw a vast improvement in my life. To this day, I stand by her words, I keep improving and I feel it. This is the best feeling ever, to see yourslef getting closer and closer to your dreams. This is a lesson that will never not cross my mind.  


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